TOOLS: Special Tools & Tuning Accessories.
A 4 in 1 Magnetic Screw Driver Set Compact, In Handle very handy tool to have when out on your bike!
Copper Sump Plug Washers Triumph 14mm Drain Plugs x4 Pcs.
(45mm Forks)
Fork Oil Level Tool: All models fork oil filler & level gauge: T3880160
KM500 Type Chain Tool DID Type Heavy Duty Type Chain Cutter & Riveter. Motorcycle Drive Chains. DID/Tsubaki/EK/JT/Iris Chains
Large Dust Cover. Motorcycle Dust /Storage Cover For Triumph: Two Tone Polyester.
Magnetic Drain Bolt. Replaces TRIUMPH T-1210498
Moto Co2 Tyre Repair Kit, Tubeless Puncture Emergency Repair Kit. Triumph
Cam & Drive chain tool!
Cheap as chips tool for eliminating chain Misalignment!
MUFFLER / SILENCER PLUG (Keeps Out Water When Power Washing)
SPARK PLUG WRENCH 10mm & 12mm 'Two In One' 4 Inch Tommy Bar Type.
Triumph Moto Oil Filter Tool / Cup Wrench 68mm Cup Wrench for Triumph 191 Filters
TYRE INFLATOR KIT 3 C02 Cans & Zipped Storage Pouch. Typical Rrp £14.99!!